My surgeries with text and images…

Posts tagged “bunion

Hallux Valgus, called also “Bunion”

Hallux Vallus-3





  X-Ray of “Hallux Valgus” before and after surgery.





Hallux valgus

Last reviewed: March 8, 2014.

A bunion forms when your big toe points toward the second toe. This causes a bump to appear on the inside edge of your toe.

[End Text from A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia / Internet]

Hallux Vallus-before-after-OP

My insight: in 2014 I had four times an infection which is very painful; 8-9/10 on the pain scale. I visited the doctor in October 2014 and the above X-rays are showing that a surgery is a need, the date of the surgery was fixed for January 9, 2015.

 I opted for a spinal anesthesia .  [Start Text from Wikipedia] The desired result is total numbness of the area. A pressure sensation is permissible and often occurs due to incomplete blockade of the thicker A-beta mechanoreceptors. This allows surgical procedures to be performed with no painful sensation to the person undergoing the procedure.  [End Text from Wikipedia] The person is awake while the surgery is done, but the patient doesn’t see what is done.

The surgery takes about +/- 1 hour and then the patient goes to a special room where he is observed by professional medical staff till the effect of the anesthesia is gone. The patient, then, will get transferred to its room in the hospital.








The patient will then get a daily companion, an infusion stand with different infusions such as antibiotic and painkiller…






Partial Slideshow below:


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Full Slideshow below:


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So that’s all for today, I will blog more tomorrow. Stay tuned 😉


15-04-2015: Pain Level is ONLY 2-3/10 on pain scale, sounds good so far 😉 ONLY sometimes, mostly in the night in bed…

07-04-2015: First day that I am wearing normal shoes again, works perfect…

23-03-2015: First day that I was driving a car again after the surgery…

20.03.2015: First day that I was walking with open shoes (sandals), NO problem…

14-03-2015: I took the medication “APRANAX 550 mg” for pain, it helps a lot… Pain Level NOW 3-4/10

26-02-2015: STILL on pain about 4-5/10 on the pain scale. BUT less persistent pain, reduced the medication…

